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Trying to get over unpleasant events from the past?


Unwanted memories keep jumping in your mind ruining the quality of your life?

Wish to put aside unwanted memories to improve your well being?

In the carriages of the past you
can't go anywhere

Maxim Gorky

Hello, my name is Eran Katz and I would like to help you... those of you who feel that the memories of the past harm their quality of life.

Who among us has not suffered from difficult events on one level or another - a loss, an accident, a relationship that ended badly, failures and disappointments, physical and mental abuse and experiences we did not think we would have to go through.

I also have such a 'bag'.

I was physically assaulted, my closest friend committed suicide a few minutes after talking to me on the phone and some more.
These were traumatic memories, which accompanied me for a certain time, but I was able to neutralize them completely - to the extent that I hardly remember them at all and feel nothing towards them.... And no, I don't have an emotional problem. the opposite. I am a person who does not hide feelings.

We all deserve this gift - the gift of oblivion. Because there is no reason for us to live in the past and under the influence of traumatic events.
And you can neutralize unwanted memories and even delete them. In a special way based on proven psychological studies.

Let me share with you my success - an exciting book on intentional forgetting.

I promise I will help you. None of us deserve to suffer from the memories of the past.

You will be surprised... but it is possible to neutralize and forget things in order to improve the quality of life

Good forgetting is a wonderful gift for mental health. Our traumas, our disappointments, the separations, the failures, the loss and the crises hinder us from moving forward.

It has happened to all of us:

- A painful separation that prevents us from returning

to a normal life

- A stressful test in which we failed and we are afraid to take it again

- Traumas that undermined our self-confidence such as a car accident, a mistake at work, social embarrassment, financial losses and more

In this powerful book filled you will discover ideas, methods, wonderful insights and fun exercises that will help you moderate and neutralize the number of times that painful memories pop up, to the point of not remembering completely.
The lessons are based on my personal experience, the successful and effective experience of others and comprehensive psychological studies.


"Eran's effective methods and positive messages can help anyone who wants to improve their abilities and think about the way they think..."


Prof. Dan Ariely - author of the bestseller 'Predictably Irrational'


What will you learn?

'The past is not what it used to be' - some unexpected surprises about our personal past.

Amazing methods to unravel the associative connection to a problematic memory.

The Kinder Egg and the Penthouse - a particularly successful method of numbing the emotion that accompanies a traumatic memory.

Loftus' test - an amazing exercise that proves you can change memories... and change the past.

And more special, fun and effective exercises that will surprise you and allow you to overcome!

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

  Reinhold Neibuhr

Release memories.

You wouldn't carry a heavy bag all your life, would you?

Jill Joyce

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Sometimes we survive better when we forget

Pauolo Coelho

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